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It’s the little things in life that bring us the most joy—from cartoons to cockroaches.
By CDW  
•   February 12, 2020
  •   3 min read

Red roses? How original. Chocolate covered strawberries? You shouldn’t have. No, really, you shouldn’t have. If you’ve had about all of the red, pink, and overly romanticized gestures you can handle for the year (or decade), we’d like to offer a few palette cleansers of some of our team’s favorite things this season. Enjoy this month, and all year long!

We’re in love with…

Sweet Vengeance

Of course, all of those years you spent in therapy have helped you forget about that ex. Yes, we all know the one. But just in case you need a bit more closure, here’s what we think would be a fitting tribute, courtesy of the El Paso Zoo. They’ll name a cockroach after your ex and feed it to a meerkat. And no one needs to know but you! Bon Appetit, meerkat!

A Good Doodle

We encourage all kinds of doodling. Day dreaming about your secret love from 5th grade and writing their name (over, and over, and over)? Yep, that counts. So do more historically relevant ones like the bald guy peering over the wall with the phrase “Kilroy was here.” And sometimes we get to actually doodle for work. Who doesn’t love a good sticker for their laptop?

Cool Cribs

Whether it’s the perfect porch for sipping cocktails, a serene swimming pool for hot summer days, or a drop-dead-gorgeous kitchen that you just know would transform you from the master of DoorDash to a Michelin-rated chef, we’re suckers for some voyeuristic house viewing. Check out some of our favorites from Los Altos-based builder (and client) Matt Komo of MJK Homes.

Sugar Highs

Your determination in sticking to your healthy eating resolution (or at least trying to) is commendable, but life is meant to be enjoyed, and so are cookies! They almost look too good to eat, but we can assure you that a plate of these would be nothing but crumbs in about 2.8 seconds in our office. So, flex your creative muscles and have fun—sugar cookies aren’t just for Christmas.

Cartoons (D’oh!)

We’ve all been there… chatting with that one friend at a cocktail party and suddenly it’s, “OMG, this totally reminds me of that Simpsons episode where…” Well, here’s your chance to make their day/year/life. For a cool hundred bucks, you can render them an immortal Simpsons character complete with pets and family members. You’ve just unlocked hero gifter status. You’re welcome.

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